Sunday, May 2, 2010

Random musings

So I thought to myself, instead of letting the blog degenerate into a place where I broadcast my rants, let me instead pause to reflect on all that is good in this world and express my appreciation for the same...

-- A kudos to all the guys who help out at NGO's, small schools or even at some small camps.
I really am awed by the selflessness of these guys. Always, having an excuse of lack of time is how I usually duck out of such things. I find myself cribbing if someone intrudes or eats into my Comp Gaming time and at the other end of the spectrum are these guys who make time to bring about positive change in the world around us.

-- To the general spirit of compassion and brotherhood the common man feels when his fellow mate needs help.

It usually takes a personal incident to give birth to such a belief and in this sense my case is no exception. However, throughout the past week, on looking upon with a non-cynical view, I saw that the spirit does exist..for eg. when my friend had his wallet nicked on the was complete strangers who backed him as he accosted the would-be pickpocket, and with that support was able to retrieve the same.

-- The deep rooted religious beliefs and practises, which though are used divisively by miscreants, have a power to unite like no other tradition. I find it very heartening that a majority of the public still a special respect and sense of occasion for all such festivals irrespective of their religion/caste/creed etc.

-- A great bunch of friends
No denying that, without them life wouldn't be the same. :)

-- A loving family

Whose love knows no bounds and without whose support the journey till here would have been highly improbable. They are God's best gift to me! :)

Guess that rounds it up...expect a good solid dose of rants to make up for all the Goodness.
Ciao! :)